face2face First edition
Chris Redston, Gillie Cunningham and Jan Bell
Beginner, Advanced, Upper-intermediate, Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate
British English

Описание с официального сайта:
face2face is a six-level general English course for adults and young adults.
Based on the communicative approach, face2face prepares learners for
life in English. Vocabulary and grammar are of equal importance and
there is a strong focus on listening and speaking for social situations.
Students are given numerous opportunities to practise new language
through a variety of communicative activities, many of which are
personalised. face2face is fully compatible with the CEF and gives
students regular opportunities to evaluate their progress. Mapping is
available online, as well as in the relevant Teacher's Book. Each
self-contained lesson is easily teachable off the page. Each level
provides approximately 80 hours of core teaching material, which can be
extended to 120 hours using the photocopiable resource material and
extra ideas in the Teacher's Book (60 hours extendable to 90 for the
Starter level). The Student's Books come with a free CD-ROM/Audio CD
offering extra practice activities, video, recording capability,
customisable tests and more.
Key Features of this Title
With vocabulary selection informed by the Cambridge International
Corpus and the Cambridge Learner Corpus, students can be confident that
the language they learn is up-to-date, relevant and natural.
A 'Language Summary' at the back of each Student's Book offers
students support with new vocabulary, grammar and functional language.
New face2face Classware offers an updated form of Whiteboard
Software now even more user-friendly and accessible to teachers without
access to whiteboard hardware.
Features a systematic focus on spoken accuracy, as well as fluency,
which gives students lots of opportunities to practise new language in
both free and controlled contexts.
'Real World' lessons give students the practical language they need
for day-to-day life. At Advanced level, these lessons also develop
students' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, helping them
become more spontaneous, natural communicators.
Innovative 'Help with' sections help learners to appreciate how
English works. 'Help with Sounds', new at Starter level, enables
students to improve their pronunciation by focusing on individual
Моя рецензия.
Немного слов от себя. Мне курс нравится. Он великолепно подходит для индивидуальных занятий. Или занятий в паре. Также он может быть использован для самообучения учениками с уровнем Intermediate и выше. Я пробовала уровни Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Advanced. Особенно меня порадовали высокие уровни. Действительно разговорная лексика, действительно нужный темп речи, действительно интересная грамматика. Материал подается сжато. И тем не менее, хорошо отрабатывается. Это курс для тех, кто любит заниматься в быстром ритме, кто любит живой не академический язык. Я бы рекомендовала курс только взрослым, т.к. многие темы затрагивают работу и учебу.
Скажу больше, мне самой было интересно проходить эти книги. И я почерпнула много нового для себя.
Книга затрагивает все основные аспекты: говорение, чтение, слушанье, произношение, грамматику и письмо. Приятно радует рабочая тетрадь и книга для учителя с дополнительными заданиями.
В общем, моя оценка самая высокая.
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